Access GUI software of Linux with SSH

Aakash Choudhary
3 min readOct 21, 2021

Hello Guys,

I am back with another blog, in this blog I am gonna tell you how you can access and graphical software with ssh command. We have used the SSH command to get access to any Linux system but if we try to run any linux command which requires a graphical display, it fails.

But today I come up with an Idea by using it you can run any command which requires display. We will be using X11 forwarding for performing this. How? Let me explain you step by step :

Step 1:

Here I am performing it on a Windows host Operating System.

Get the credentials of the Linux system ( IP Address, Username, Password / Key ).

Install the required software in order to connect to the Linux system.

Putty :

Xming for Windows :

Step 2:

Start Xming server. ( After Download and Installation, open it and it will be active ).

Xming is running

Open Putty and start a new session. Enter your Linux system credentials.

Here root is the username of Linux system forwarded by IP Address.

Now go inside connection > SSH > X11 .

Now enable X11 forwarding .

Now click on the open button. It will connect you to your Linux system. First time it will ask you to accept the X11 forwarding. Accept it and then Give your password to it for connecting.

Inside Linux System

You are now inside the linux system, now you can run any linux command here whether it requires Display or not.

Running Firefox command.

Now it will open a new window from Xming server which will give you access to firefox.

Firefox from Linux running in Windows.

If you want to watch a short 2-minute video if it, then check out my LinkedIn post or contact me.

I hope you like this blog, For next blog topic suggestions or queries you can DM me on LinkedIn. If you like this blog make sure you clap it.

Thank You

Signing off 🙌

