WordPress MySQL Setup on Kubernetes Cluster on AWS with Ansible

Aakash Choudhary
3 min readJul 10, 2021

Hey Guys,

I am back with another blog, In this blog I am going to tell you how to launch a complete WordPress MySQL Setup on AWS Kubernetes Cluster, I am going to use Ansible to perform all this. So let’s start it..

Step 1: Launch EC2 Instances on AWS

You do it manually or you can use ansible playbook to launch ec2 instances with tag names master , worker1 and worker2 .You can use any linux operating system. ( recommended : Amazon linux2 / redhat/ centos/ fedora )

After launching instances varify on AWS console.

AWS Instances

Step 2: Clone My Github Repository

Go to your terminal and clone my repository containing all the related Playbooks. Link at the end of blog.

git clone git_repository_link

Step 3: Change Variable files and other credentials

Change ansible.cfg , var.txt , inv/akki.pem , instance.yml and other related files .

Step 4: Run Setup Playbook

Now, when you are all done. You just need to run setup.yml file and it will configure whole things for you.

Step 5: Check on Browser

Now you are all set, go to master node and check for services.

Check the port number of wordpress service. Now copy public IP of your instance and port number and search it on browser ip:port . You will see your wordpress page will come up.

Read README.md file on Github Carefully.

Here is Github URL for all your needs.

I hope you like this blog, For next blog topic suggestions or queries you can DM me on LinkedIn. If you like this blog make sure you clap it.

Thank You

Signing off 🙌

